Mantis - React Material UI Dashboard Template

Mantis is a professionally made React dashboard template with ready-to-use Material UI components. Mantis is well suited for enterprise applications with its simple yet minimal design that provides a great user experience. It features real-world applications like Chat, User Management, E-commerce, and CRM. The design is heavily inspired by Ant Design.

Mantis Figma Preview

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⚡️⚡️⚡️ Next.js (with next-auth) is now available for download. ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Mantis is available in multiple frameworks now1. Show me!

A glimpse of the latest v3.3.0

  • Authentication structure change and improvement
  • Added Supabase and auth0
  • MUI X Charts
  • Invoice Dashboard
  • React Router with an error boundary

Package contents

The download package includes the following as Per license:

 License JS TS Figma
Vite Next.js CRA2
Vite Next.js CRA2
Vite Next.js CRA2

Key features

  • Quick start with the Skeleton and Seed versions
  • New - 8+ color presets
  • New - Font Family options (Public Sans, Roboto, Poppins, Inter)
  • Light/dark and Collapse layouts
  • Professional style color palettes
  • Lots of customized Material UI components
  • Pre-Built useful pages & apps
  • LTR / RTL (right-to-left) layouts
  • Responsive design with the support of modern browsers
  • Extremely easy-to-use folder & code structure
  • Prettier and well-commented code style
  • Internationalization (i18n) support
  • Easy documentation guide


  • 80+ ready-to-use pages.
  • 5 conceptual Apps like E-commerce, Chat, User Management, Social Profile and Calendar
  • Vertical page layout with unlimited menu-level support
  • Live customizer with font selection options, layout switcher, and layout width settings
  • 2 conceptual dashboards
  • Animation & color shadows
  • Table variants like simple table, data table, data grid, and enhanced table with search, filter, and pagination support
  • 4 Variants of Authentication pages - Login, Register, Forget & Reset the password, OTP verification
  • Maintenance pages like error, coming soon (2 variants), under construction
  • Utility pages like grid, typography, color, shadows, and icons
  • Landing page
  • Contact page

Layout Playground

Live Customizer with the following features. To play with it click on the top-right gear icon in the dashboard.

  • Choose layouts from default, collapse, and RTL
  • Theme mode - Light or Full Dark
  • Color scheme 8+ presets
  • Layout width - Container, Fluid
  • Choose font family - Roboto, Inter, Public Sans, and Poppins

Technology stack

  • Built with Material UI v5 component library
  • Authentication using - Auth0FirebaseJWT, AWS Cognito
  • Built with React Hooks API
  • SWR & React Context API for state management
  • React Router for navigation routing
  • Axios for mock API data
  • Create React App
  • Code Splitting
  • TypeScript support (Standard Plus and Extended licenses only)
  • CSS-in-JS where CSS is composed using JavaScript instead of defined in external files
  • Multi-language support


Mantis has been tested thoroughly in the following environment. 

  • Browser compatibility - Chrome, Mozilla, Edge, Safari (macOS), Opera
  • Design tested on Retina displays, laptop media, and responsive media like tablet/iPad and mobile devices.

Figma design resources

The Mantis Figma Design file is available with the Standard Plus & Extended License. All components and pages are available with proper arrangement. All settings like Colors, Typography, Shadow, and Components are made of master components so you can easily change the entire files with one single click.


Documentation - This helps you to quickly start using Mantis from the Installation to Build steps you will find everything there.

Support & updates

Once you purchase the Mantis, you will get technical support from our side*. It includes:

  • Bug fixes or any other help - you can submit tickets.
  • Request new feature(s)3contact us. We are always happy to serve you well.
  1. Buying from MUI Store will provide react versions. Other versions have been sold separately. Read more
  2. contact us to get CRA version of 3.0.0
  3. New features are subject to the Mantis roadmap. 12 months of updates and 6 months of technical support included.

Package type

Live preview


  • Quality checked by MUI team

  • 1 year of free updates
    6 months of technical support

  • Covered by our refund policy

  • Support MUI's open source projects like Material UI and Base UI.

Latest releaseSep 9, 2024
First releaseMay 17, 2022
CategoryAdmin & Dashboard
Questions?Contact author
Created byCodedThemes

Try the free demo

Learn more about "Mantis Free - React Admin Dashboard Template" in this free demo. It has a few features from the full version to let you get a feel for the product.

Get free demo
Mantis Free - React Admin Dashboard Template